An Allergen Project

Hello and welcome to my blog about allergies.  

First off, I would like to introduce myself.  I am Bethany Lacy.  I am a graduate student  in the Multimedia Journalism program at Arkansas Tech University, and I will be graduating this December.  I also received my three bachelor’s degrees from Tech.  My undergraduate degrees were Print Journalism (minor in Spanish), Broadcast Journalism (minor in English), and Psychology (minor in Anthropology).  I am currently in the process of joining the United States Air Force as an officer.  I will not know if I will be accepted until December, but I am hopeful.  If I do get accepted, I hope to work in public affair and media, military intelligence, or OIS (military police work and investigation). 

Now, the reason why I want to do this blog over allergies.  Many people suffer from allergies, whether pollen, animal dander, foods, or venom.  People can develop allergies suddenly or they can grow out of allergies.  I have been allergic to chocolate since I was a small kid; my allergy became worse when I was in high school, and I’ve been too afraid to eat chocolate (on purpose) since then.  Some people have more food allergies than they have fingers, but continue to eat some of the allergens.  This blog will tell you different stories about allergies and the people who are affected by them.  I hope we all learn something on this journey to find out more about allergens! 

Here is a small list of the stories I plan to make:


Photo story 1: Set of pictures focusing on different food allergies

Photo story 2:  Set of pictures showing different people photographed with what they are allergic to.  The captions will be quotes from each person.

Audio story 1: Interview with someone who has an abnormal allergy (sunlight, water, or something similar)

Audio story 2: An interview with someone about how to reduce effects of different allergens

Video story 1: Interview with the Tech nurse about common allergies she sees on Tech campus

Video story 2:

Graphics 1: Animated graphics for different allergies to animals (furry kind to stinging kind)

Graphics 2:  Statistics on which allergens are more commonly diagnosed in certain areas (state, region, country)

Written 1:  Basic information about allergies and including some statistics
Written 2: Interview with a woman who suffers from many different food allergies, but continues to eat the foods anyway.  Will talk about consequences too.  This could be an audio story if the woman agrees to an audio interview (she will more than likely decline a video interview).

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